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Case Digest Connection | The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia

Case Digest Connection

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No time to read the full text of recent cases, but want to keep current?  

Timely and convenient, the Case Digest Connection (“CDC”) service provides you with digests of cases decided by the British Columbia superior courts, selected Provincial Court decisions, and Supreme Court of Canada cases originating from BC.

Each digest includes:

  • a summary of the case
  • indexing terms of the legal issues involved
  • names of counsel, judges, and expert witnesses
  • key case authorities considered
  • court information
  • links directly to the judgment’s full text

Your subscription to the CDC for your practice area includes access to:

  1. CDC Archive – our online 24/7 repository containing all cases digested since January 1996; and
  2. CDC Email Service – our email notification of the most recently digested cases in your practice area sent directly to your inbox

CDC Email Service notification frequency:

Civil Weekly
Civil/Criminal Weekly
Criminal Weekly
Family Weekly
Personal Injury Weekly
Wills and Estates Monthly