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The Spotlight | The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia

The Spotlight

Practice Point

Please note: Due to COVID-19, we have stopped publishing The Spotlight. Please check our course calendar and store pages for the most up-to-date course and publication information.


The Spotlight is CLEBC’s seasonal publication with information on upcoming courses and publications, plus other items of interest to the BC legal community.

We hope you find The Spotlight useful when determining your legal education needs, whether you’re a paralegal in a large downtown firm or a solo practitioner in northern B.C. We want you to be aware of all our products and services—most of which are accessible anytime, anywhere.

Our annual Publications Library, containing information about CLEBC’s 40+ publications in one place for your ease of reference, is mailed out as an insert in the Spring Spotlight and available to download here.

The Spotlight is available in print and new issues are mailed to subscribers and then posted online. If you haven’t received your copy or you’d like to be added to our list, please contact our Customer Service department at 604.893.2121.