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CLEBC Courses - Webinars, In-Person, and Rebroadcasts

CLEBC Courses | In-Person, Webinars, and Rebroadcasts

Our courses provide in-depth coverage of a wide range of topics to help you earn your CPD credits.


  • Participate in online courses from your home or office
  • Watch streamed video of presenters and their PowerPoint slides
  • Ask presenters questions through interactive chat function


  • Rebroadcasted recordings of our most popular courses
  • Participate online from your home or office
  • Watch streamed video of presenters

In-Person Courses

  • In-person participation
  • ½ day to 5 days in length
  • Over 75* courses each year

* Since March 2020 we have limited the amount of our in-person courses.

Your ability to access our courses and earn CPD credits is important to us.

Ways to save

Early Bird discount
Register for a course before the Early Bird deadline and save on your registration fee!

Easy Pay Plan and Bursary

Want to register for courses now, but prefer a monthly payment plan? Check out our Easy Pay Plan to learn more about our monthly payment plan option.

Unable to attend a course without help from CLEBC? Check out our Bursary Program for more information about applying for a discount on registration fees for up to 3 courses per calendar year.

Please note: CLEBC requires full payment at the time of registration for courses

NEW! Pay your invoice/outstanding payment with Interac e-Transfer

How do you send money with Interac e-Transfer? All you need is:

  • An account with a participating bank* or credit union
  • An active email address


  1. Log into your online or mobile banking app and select the account
  2. Choose or add
  3. In the message field, include your invoice # and/or Customer ID and send!

* Eligible for Canadian banks only. Up to $25000 / payment