What is CLEBC doing to reduce the cost of mandatory CPD?
- Early Bird course registrants receive a discount.
- Webinars and rebroadcasts eliminate all travel costs.
- The CLEBC Bursary ensures that no lawyer is prohibited from attending a course because of cost. You qualify for a bursary if you are a member in good standing of the LSBC (or a legal support staff employed by, or working under the direction of, a lawyer in good standing with the LSBC) and if, without a bursary, you would be unable to attend the course. There is no means test.
- The CLEBC Easy Pay Plan allows you to make a $50 down payment per item and pay the balance of your invoice split equally over the next 4 months, one payment each month.
- Courses on Demand is available 24/7 and are suitable for group study. Subscriptions give you access to the entire Courses on Demand service, with 300 new modules added each year.
What are the subject matter requirements?
The subject matter of accredited learning modes, including courses, will qualify provided the subject matter contains:
- Material primarily designed and focused for an audience that includes, as a principal component, lawyers, paralegals, articling students are/or law school students, but not if the subject matter is targeted primarily at clients, the public, other professionals, or other students;
- Significant, intellectual, or practical content in connection with legal issues or matters related to the practice of law with the primary objective of supporting or increasing lawyers’ professional competence.
- Learning activities will not be limited to subject matter dealing with primarily BC or Canadian law. Credits will be available for the study of law of other provinces and foreign law or practice that is related to the conduct of the lawyer’s practice.
The following activities will not be accredited:
- Any activity designed for or targeted at clients
- Topics relating to client or business development
- Law firm marketing or profit maximization
- Lawyer wellness
How do I report my cpd hours?
You can report your hours any time after an event through the Law Society of BC website. The continuing professional development (CPD) system is administered by the Law Society of British Columbia, not by CLEBC.
For more information on the CPD program, please refer to the LSBC website.
How much professional responsibility & ethics credit do I get for watching a webinar?
Most courses in the webinar archives include a minimum of 1 hour of credit in the areas of professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, or practice management. However, this content is often sprinkled throughout the day, so you must watch all modules within a course title to obtain 1 hour of professional responsibility & ethics credit.
If you have questions about the professional responsibility & ethics credit in a specific course, please contact Customer Service at 604.893.2121 / custserv@cle.bc.ca
How do I create a study group?
Login to the LSBC website, click on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and follow the instructions.
What is the penalty for non-compliance?
- If you do not report completion of the CPD hours by December 31, a late fee of $200 (plus tax) applies (Rule 3-18.4(3)).
- If you do not complete and report completion by April 1 of the following year, you will be suspended until all required professional development is completed.
- Lawyers receive 60 days prior notice of the suspension (Rule 18.5).
What are the roles of CLEBC and LSBC?
LSBC made the rules and CLEBC helps lawyers meet the requirements. CLEBC is a self-financed, non-profit society that is not part of the LSBC.
If you have questions about the LSBC program, please contact LSBC Member Services Department at memberinfo@lsbc.org
If you have questions or suggestions for CLEBC, contact CLEBC Chief Executive Officer, Linda Russell.