No more obsolete CDs! Starting in September 2023, the Forms and Precedents included in manuals will be easily downloadable in Microsoft Word format via your CLEBC Store account.
Here’s how to access them:
Go to CLEBC’s Store (
Click on “Log in to Store” and log in to your account
Go into “My Account”
Under the Manage Products menu, click on “My Downloads”
Go to the name of the practice manual and click on the “zip” icon
At the bottom left of the screen (or top right of the screen depending on your current browser), you will see the download file.
Click to open it and then copy and rename the file folder containing the Forms and Precedents for the practice manual to the appropriate location in your computer or network.
This download file will remain in your account until the next update to the practice manual. When the next update is released, the updated Forms and Precedents zip file will replace the file for the previous update in your account (and you will need to download the updated file).
The download files remain on your account as long as you have a subscription to the practice manual (i.e., you haven’t returned it or cancelled a subscription).
If you can’t remember your CLEBC password, click on “Forgot your Password?” to reset your password.
If you need more assistance, contact CLEBC customer service at 604-893-2121 or by email at