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CLEBC’s Most Prolific Contributors: 1996 to 2016 | The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia

CLEBC’s Most Prolific Contributors: 1996 to 2016

Practice Point

A representation of individuals who have made 50+ contributions from 1996 to 2016 (current as of May 2016).

CLEBC works with over 1,000 contributors every year to support a culture of learning, to encourage innovation, and to give back to the BC bar.

Our contributors include lawyers, judges, academics, paralegals, legal support staff and many other experts in the larger community. They come together from every area of law, and from across BC, Canada and the U.S., to give you what you need to be successful.

CLEBC contributors share their best legal thoughts, debate our laws, refine our professional ethics, and help us look to the future. They do the legal analysis and foster the diversity of perspectives that remind us why many consider the independence of lawyers a cornerstone of democracy.

This list of our most prolific contributors between 1996 and 2016 displays just one of many ways that CLEBC can take a bow to the remarkable contributions of our contributors. This list counts each time a contributor has chaired or co-chaired a course, presented at a course, authored or updated a book chapter or course paper, reviewed a book as a member of an editorial board, or contributed to CLEBC in other specific ways, between 1996 and 2016. Also, this list includes only those who, according to our records, are currently active in the profession.

Most importantly, this is a list of prolific contributions. A single contribution to CLEBC can be extraordinarily valuable. We are grateful for every single contributor and contribution in our community.

To our contributors, thank you for your outstanding contributions. To our colleagues and friends, thank you for participating in the dialogue. We’re stronger together.
Edward L. WilsonLawson Lundell LLP100+
John-Paul E. BoydCanadian Research Institute for Law and the Family90+
Anna LaingFarris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP80+
Helen H. Low, KCFasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP80+
Alison L. Murray, KCMurray Jamieson80+
Genevieve N. TaylorLegacy Tax + Trust Lawyers80+
Roger D. LeeDLA Piper (Canada) LLP70+
Andrew S. MacKayAlexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP70+
Dinyar Marzban, KCJenkins Marzban Logan LLP70+
Jeffrey A. Rose, KCMortimer & Rose70+
David A. AllardLawson Lundell LLP60+
Scott L. BoothJenkins Marzban Logan LLP60+
Robert C. Brun, KCHarris & Brun60+
Kenneth N. BurnettMiller Thomson LLP60+
Nancy J. Cameron, KCNancy Cameron Law Corporation60+
Deidre J. HerbertMcLellan Herbert60+
Fiona HunterHorne Coupar60+
Gordon B. SloanADR Education60+
James D. Vilvang, KCRichards Buell Sutton LLP60+
Guy P. Brown, KCHarper Grey LLP50+
David A. CrerarBorden Ladner Gervais LLP50+
Mark R. DaviesRichards Buell Sutton LLP50+
Sandra L. Enticknap, KCMiller Thomson LLP50+
Bradley J. FreedmanBorden Ladner Gervais LLP50+
Mary B. HamiltonDLA Piper (Canada) LLP50+
Lyle G. Harris, KCHarris & Brun50+
Arlene H. Henry, KCArlene H. Henry Law Corporation50+
John J.L. Hunter, KCHunter Litigation Chambers50+
Anna JuchBorden Ladner Gervais LLP50+
Randy G. KlarenbachPlatform Properties Ltd.50+
Bill S. Maclagan, KCBlake, Cassels & Graydon LLP50+
Karen MartinDentons Canada LLP50+
D. Ross McGowanBorden Ladner Gervais LLP50+
Carman J. Overholt, KCOverholt Law – Barristers & Solicitors50+
Elaine E. Reynolds, KCLegacy Tax + Trust Lawyers50+
Katherine M. WellburnMurray Jamieson50+
Geoffrey W. WhiteGeoffrey W. White Law Corporation50+
Linda J. YardleyR. Trevor Todd Law Corporation50+
Donald W. Yule, KCGuild Yule LLP50+
Gwendoline AllisonFoy Allison Law Group40+
James D. BairdBoughton Law Corporation40+
David J. BilinskyLaw Society of B.C.40+
Paul D. BradleyLawson Lundell LLP40+
Ward K. Branch, KCBranch MacMaster LLP40+
Derek A. Brindle, KCSingleton Urquhart LLP40+
Laurel CourtenayWorkSafeBC - Legal Services Division40+
Geoffrey H. DabbsGehlen Dabbs40+
David C. DundeePaul & Company40+
Frank A.V. Falzon, KCFrank A.V. Falzon Law Corporation40+
The Honourable Madam Justice Victoria GraySupreme Court of BC40+
Angus M. Gunn, KCBorden Ladner Gervais LLP40+
Carol W. Hickman, KCQuay Law Centre40+
The Honourable Chief Justice Christopher E. HinksonSupreme Court of BC40+
David J. JenningsIrwin, White & Jennings40+
Darryl W. LarsonEmbarkation Law Corporation40+
James C. MacInnisNathanson, Schachter & Thompson LLP40+
J. Kenneth McEwan, KCHunter Litigation Chambers40+
M. Jerry McHale, KCUniversity of Victoria - Faculty of Law40+
Christopher M. McHardyMcCarthy Tetrault LLP40+
Hugh S. McLellanMcLellan Herbert40+
Colin A. MillarRichards Buell Sutton LLP40+
Richard J. OlsonMcKechnie & Company40+
Leo RaffinMcMillan LLP40+
The Honourable Judge Edna M. RitchieProvincial Court of British Columbia40+
John D. ShieldsShields Harney40+
William R. StoreyThe Kitsilano Family Law Group40+
David G. ThompsonThorsteinssons LLP40+
Ron UsherThe Society of Notaries Public of BC40+
Cheryl L. VickersLex Pacifica Law Corporation40+
Professor Mary Anne Waldron, KCUniversity of Victoria - Faculty of Law40+
Lisa C. AlexanderLisa Alexander Law Corp.30+
Thomas Anderson, KCAnderson Pension Law Consulting30+
Mark D. Andrews, KCFasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP30+
Jasbir S. BainsFarris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP30+
Terry G. BarnettThorsteinssons LLP30+
Kathryn L. BasranSchuman Daltrop Basran & Robin30+
Diane M. Bell, KCClark Wilson LLP30+
Daniel R. Bennett, KCBull, Housser & Tupper LLP30+
Shelley A. BentleyKerr Redekop Leinburd 30+
The Honourable Judge Patricia BondProvincial Court of BC30+
William A. BuholzerYoung Anderson30+
Colleen Cattell, KCFitzpatrick & Company30+
David ChristianThorsteinssons LLP30+
Murray A. Clemens, KCNathanson, Schachter & Thompson LLP30+
Matthew CooperwilliamsHarris & Company LLP30+
Simon R. CovalFasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP30+
D. Geoffrey Cowper, KCFasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP30+
Rhys Davies, KCDLA Piper (Canada) LLP30+
Paul M. Daykin, KCAaron Gordon Daykin Nordlinger LLP30+
Robert J.C. DeaneBorden Ladner Gervais LLP30+
R.C. (Tino) Di BellaJawl Bundon LLP30+
Professor Elizabeth EdingerFaculty of Law at Allard Hall, University of BC30+
The Honourable Judge Kathryn J. FerrissProvincial Court of British Columbia30+
Patrick G. Foy, KCBorden Ladner Gervais LLP30+
Amy D. FrancisLegacy Tax + Trust Lawyers30+
Veronica P. FrancoClark Wilson LLP30+
James D. FraserLawson Lundell LLP30+
Gregory J. GehlenGehlen Dabbs30+
Geoffrey B. Gomery, KCNathanson, Schachter & Thompson LLP30+
Bruce M. GreenOyen Wiggs Green & Mutala LLP30+
The Honourable Madam Justice Susan A. GriffinSupreme Court of B.C.30+
The Honourable Mr. Justice Harvey M. GrobermanBC Court of Appeal30+
Sandra F. GuarascioRoper Greyell LLP30+
Ann HalkettAlexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP30+
Terence W.E. Harris30+
Ludmila B. Herbst, KCFarris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP30+
Gavin Hume, KCHarris & Company LLP30+
Michelle L. IsaakDLA Piper (Canada) LLP30+
The Honourable Judge Patricia L. JanzenProvincial Court of BC30+
Gordon R. JohnsonBorden Ladner Gervais LLP30+
Kim KarrasBrawn Karras & Sanderson30+
Julie K. LambGuild Yule LLP30+
Mark V. LewisBorden Ladner Gervais LLP30+
Richard B. Lindsay, KCLindsay LLP30+
Jan L. Lindsay, KCLindsay LLP30+
John S. LoganJenkins Marzban Logan LLP30+
Edward F. MacaulayEdward F. Macaulay Law Corporation30+
H. Scott MacDonaldRichards Buell Sutton LLP30+
The Honourable Mr. Justice George K. MacintoshSupreme Court of BC30+
Master Heather M. MacNaughtonSupreme Court of BC30+
The Honourable Mr. Justice Michael D. MansonFederal Court30+
William J. McFetridgeBull, Housser & Tupper LLP30+
E. Jane Milton, KCBull, Housser & Tupper LLP30+
The Honourable Madam Justice Maria MorellatoSupreme Court of British Columbia30+
Adrienne M. MurrayHammerberg Lawyers LLP30+
Andrew I. NathansonFasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP30+
Lorene A. NovakowskiFasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP30+
Vincent R.K. Orchard, KCBorden Ladner Gervais LLP30+
Fred R. PletcherBorden Ladner Gervais LLP30+
Warren PuddicombeElgin, Cannon & Associates30+
Frank W.  Quo VadisKoffman Kalef LLP30+
D. Peter Ramsay, KCRamsay Lampman Rhodes30+
The Honourable Judge Rose RavenProvincial Court of British Columbia30+
Kathryn Sainty, KCSainty Law30+
Douglas R. SandersBorden Ladner Gervais LLP30+
Timothy A.C. SchoberPearlman Lindholm, Lawyers30+
James A.W. Schuman, KCSchuman Daltrop Basran & Robin30+
Geoffrey M. SherrottEdwards, Kenny & Bray LLP30+
John ShevchukLex Pacifica Law Corporation30+
James P. ShumkaLegacy Tax + Trust Lawyers30+
Mark M. Skorah, KCGuild Yule LLP30+
Norman D. StreuLMS Reinforcing Steel Group30+
Janine A.S. ThomasJanine A.S. Thomas Law Corporation30+
Ingrid M. TsuiAlexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP30+
Graham J. UnderwoodLegal Services Branch, Ministry of Justice30+
Mike WalkerMiller Thomson LLP30+
Graham B. WalkerBorden Ladner Gervais LLP30+
Mark S. Weintraub, KCClark Wilson LLP30+
Robert V. Wickett, KCMacKenzie Fujisawa LLP30+
Patrick A. WilliamsClark Wilson LLP30+
Steve M. WinderBorden Ladner Gervais LLP30+
Ian WorlandLegacy Tax + Trust Lawyers30+

List based on CLEBC contribution records as of May 2016. This list includes only those who, according to our records, are currently active in the profession.