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Courses on Demand | CPD-eligible video presentations

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Courses on Demand

Looking for an easy way to get all your CPD?
Want to streamline your search for CLEBC presentations and papers?

Subscribe to Courses on Demand – your essential resource with CPD and research tools on one convenient platform.

As of January 2019, the Law Society of BC allows you to earn CPD credit for viewing pre-recorded courses, on your own.

Access thousands of pre-recorded video presentations with Courses on Demand. With your annual subscription, you can complete all your CPD hours in one place, when it’s most convenient for you.

Self-direct your CPD education. Pick and choose to only watch relevant presentations at your learning level. Ensure every minute spent on CPD is valuable to you.

Can’t decide what to watch? CLEBC staff have created pre-tailored “Selection” packages of presentations under the categories: Practice Area Picks, Practice Area Fundamentals, 100% Ethics, and The Well-Rounded Lawyer.

Explore an archive of over 4,000+ presentations from CLEBC courses and 6,300+ course papers. Quickly discover the courses, presentations, and papers you want by title, topic, or contributor.

Reap the benefits from the wisdom of leading lawyers and judges that you know and trust. Find materials created by a specific lawyer, or find out who has expertise in dealing with your question.


We have recently updated our video player to provide an enhanced and more efficient viewing experience. With this new player you can:

  • Start watching your videos immediately – no application to download!
  • Watch from your office and pick up where you left off on your tablet
  • Easily skip ahead or skip back your module

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What our customers are saying about Courses on Demand…

”I love the new platform! I found it easy and intuitive to use. I quickly found the course I was looking for. I began watching on my laptop, and smoothly continued on my mobile phone. This means I can watch segments of courses when I have gaps in my schedule. You have simplified my life!” – Thelma O’Grady, Life Bencher, Vancouver

“Your video player update is excellent. It was frustrating for me before that I could not watch webinars on my phone or tablet easily. Now, it is really quick and bug-free. Whoever was involved in this should get a promotion. Thank you.– Matthew J. Van Den Hooven, J.D. — Barrister & Solicitor, Nanaimo

“I’d just like to say how brilliant I consider the new unlimited Courses on Demand system.  I am able to attend offered courses at my leisure, available shortly after the original courses have been held.  I am able to watch a course in segments when I find I have the time to do so, and I can pick and choose to watch only portions of various courses, rather than being required to attend/watch an entire course that may include topics of little interest to me.  And further, for the single fixed subscription price, I am able to “sample” various courses to determine if they would be useful to me.  So, thank you for creating the unlimited Courses on Demand system, and I look forward to renewing my subscription for 2021.” – Philip D. Seligman – Barrister and Solicitor, North Vancouver

“I loved the flexibility of being able to watch presentations when it worked for me – over a few days, between other responsibilities when I could be engaged and not feeling the Friday-at-4-will-it-never-end blues.” Gary Nelson – Barrister & Solicitor, Surrey