In the Spotlight—Heather Gray-Grant

Practice Point

In the Spotlight—Heather Gray-Grant

This month’s spotlight shines on Heather Gray-Grant, a Vancouver business strategist, marketing planner, and certified executive coach.

How did you first get involved with CLEBC?

I’ve long been aware of CLEBC. Part of my services is coaching and, in that capacity, I’ve regularly recommended CLEBC programs to my clients as part of their legal education program; however, I only started to do presentations for CLEBC within the past three years.

What are you working on (or have most recently worked on) with CLEBC?

On September 10, I am doing a program called Managing Associates for Better Outcomes. It will cover how to better manage Associates, from hiring to training to compensation. The churn rate for associates is still too high; due to supply and demand issues, their compensation is often too high compared to their contribution. It’s hurting firms but it’s also hurting the associates. We need to figure out a better way of doing this.

You are a business strategist who works exclusively with law firms to improve their performance – everything from strategic planning to operations. What drew you to your career?

It was a fluke. Thirty years ago, the lawyer husband of a friend of mine suggested I apply for a junior position in marketing at Russell & DuMoulin. At that time, I became the third legal marketer in Canada. Eventually, I moved up to national practice group management and found I particularly enjoyed helping the partner leaders with strategy for their group. I guess I see progressions (or potential progressions) that others can’t see.

Tell us about the best part of your work.

It’s the “ah-ha” moment from executive teams when they read my summary of findings document and draft a strategic plan for their firm. It seems almost obvious what they need to do, but they just needed to see the logical pathway, and a structure to make things happen.

What is your favorite book, and what are you currently reading?

I just finished reading AI 2041: Ten Visions for our Future. It’s written by an AI expert and a sci-fi writer. Together, they explain AI and 10 different concepts that will be possible because of it. Each section introduces an application, includes a short story that brings the application to life, and concludes with an analysis of the technology that enables the application, describing what other uses might be possible. This format makes learning about AI much more accessible, which is good because the world is quickly changing, and everyone should be aware of the ways AI will change our lives.

Next up? The Alice Network by Kate Quinn.

What’s the most valuable piece of advice you have received?

“Focus on bringing out the best in people.” At this stage in my career, I don’t care about being seen as intelligent, insightful, accomplished, successful, or any of those things. I care about helping people and firms operate at their highest level. When that happens, they are happy where they are, productive, and ultimately give back to those around them. Lawyers can be incredibly influential in the world so by focusing on helping to get them higher on Maslow’s hierarchy, by extension, I’m making a greater contribution than I would otherwise.

Other than your work, what are you passionate about?

There’s no single passion that defines me. I love living a full life. I sing in a couple of groups, enjoy gardening, read and write whenever I can, and fish with my husband. I’m also very close with my two sons. And I live in Vancouver! What more could I possibly ask for?