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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Store and CLE Online?

Visit the Store to purchase CLEBC products and services, and to review and edit your Store account information.

Visit CLE Online to access online products to which you already hold a subscription, such as Online Practice Manuals, Courses on Demand, Online Course Materials, Case Digest Connection, Self-Paced eLearning, or Toolkits.

My firm has a subscription to a CLE Online product. How do I access my firm’s subscription?

If your firm purchased access to a product, you’ll need to contact the person at your firm who manages the firm’s subscription.

If you used your own CLEBC Store account to buy a product, you may need to set up your CLE Online username and password if you haven’t done so already. Log in to your CLEBC Store account, then click on “My Account Settings”, to set up your username and password.

Ordering & Shipping

Where can I find an order form?

Download a blank order form here.

Are taxes included in the price?

Taxes are not included in the price of your item. If you place your order via our online store, the system will automatically add any applicable taxes.

Who do I make cheques payable to?

Please make cheques payable to The Continuing Legal Education Society of BC or CLEBC.

Where do I send my cheque and order form?

Our mailing address is:
The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia
500 – 1155 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 2P4

You may submit order forms to Customer Service by mail to the address above, by fax at 604.669.9260, or by email at Registrations for courses will be processed at the time your cheque payment is received.

What is your return policy?

Please refer to our complete refund and cancellation policy or contact Customer Service at 604.893.2121 or 800.663.0437 /

How much does shipping cost?

Standard shipping costs for delivery to Canadian addresses: (plus 5% GST)

ItemsShipping Cost
Each additional item$4.60

CLEBC aims to ship publications within two business days of an order being received. We ship our books via Canada Post, and most customers receive their order within seven business days of the order date. Delivery to international addresses (including USA) may be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

When will I receive my item?

CLEBC aims to ship publications within two business days of an order being received. Most customers receive their order within seven business days of the order date. We ship our books via Canada Post.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Which CLEBC activities and products are eligible for CPD?

You can earn CPD credit by attending a course (in person or via webinar), viewing online interactive programs, using CLEBC materials in a study group, or contributing to CLEBC. You can find more information on our CPD page or by visiting the Law Society of BC website.

Please note that the Law Society of BC determines final eligibility of all CLEBC activities and products.

How do I report my CPD hours to the Law Society of BC?

Log in to your Law Society of BC account to report your CPD hours. Click on the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) link, then choose the “Record/Request Credits” tab.

To report hours earned by attending a course (including webinars and rebroadcasts):

  1. Click on the “Record your credits” link in the “Courses and study groups” section.
  2. Fill in the following fields as appropriate, then click the Search button:
    Search term/ keyword: enter the course title or keyword(s) from the course title
    Credit Type: select Course
    Provider: select Continuing Legal Education Society of BC from the drop-down menu
    Course Start Date: this is an optional field; you may enter the date of the course as MM/DD/YYYY
  3. Select the appropriate course from the search results by clicking on the hyperlinked course name. Please ensure that you are not choosing the online version.
  4. Verify the details, then enter the number of hours in the “Want credit for this course?” box on the right and click the Get Credit button. Press OK in the pop-up dialogue box to record your credits.

Courses on Demand

How do I report CPD credits for presentations I have watched in Courses on Demand?

  • Please click here for a detailed visual explanation.

Help! The “search-box” doesn’t work?

  • The above bar is not a search box. Instead, the bar works as a filter.

If you know the title of a course, presentation, or paper, you can enter the full or partial title in the bar. Or if you are looking for resources by a specific contributor, you can enter the contributor’s full or partial last name into the bar.

If you want to search by keyword, please use the CLEBC’s full search function on the top right corner.

If you want to browse by practice area, please use the drill-down menu on the left.

Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Call CLEBC Customer Service at 604.893.2121, or toll-free 1.800.663.0437.

How do I use Courses on Demand to meet my annual “ethics” requirement?

You can easily earn your two hours of ethics by watching presentations from our “100% Ethics” Selections. Call CLEBC Customer Service at 604.893.2121, or toll-free 1.800.663.0437 to learn more.

Can I share my Courses on Demand subscription with someone outside of my organization?

No. Only staff employed by your organization can use your Courses on Demand subscription. Click here for full Terms of Use.

Can I pay for Courses on Demand on a monthly plan?

Yes, please contact CLEBC Customer Service at 604.893.2121, or toll-free 1.800.663.0437 to set up your monthly payment plan.

What are “Selections”?

“Selections” are pre-tailored packages of presentations that CLEBC staff have created in the following categories:

  • Practice Area Picks– notable presentations in the core areas of Business, Family, Litigation, Real Estate, and Wills, Estates & Trusts to save you time in finding the gems.
  • Practice Area Fundamentals – engaging presentations providing fundamental knowledge in the core areas so you know which presentations to start with.
  • 100% Ethics– presentations which completely focus on and qualify for “professional responsibility and ethics, practice management, client care and relations” credit, so you can easily complete your two hours.
  • The Well-Rounded Lawyer– presentations on topics like cultural competency and lawyer wellness, to prepare you for practising at a high standard in all situations.

Under “Coming Soon to Courses on Demand”, it says courses will be available “approximately 30 days after the course date”. It has now been 30 days since a course was offered, and I don’t see it in Courses on Demand. Why?

Most of the time, you are able to watch the course you want in Courses on Demand within 30 days of the original course date. For the months of November and December, the 30 day period could be longer.



Requirements to watch a CLEBC webinar

Downloading and installing Zoom

You’ll need to download and install Zoom onto the device that you’ll be watching the webinar from.

Test Zoom

We strongly recommend that you test Zoom before the course begins.

Click here to visit the Zoom Test Page

Make sure you’re able to:

  • launch the app
  • hear audio


Note: By default, webinar attendees will not be connecting their cameras or mics.

Join the webinar

Look for the invitation in your email and follow the link to “Join Webinar”.

Alternatively, join using the Webinar ID and Passcode listed in the email (you may need these to join from a mobile device).

Trouble hearing?

  1. Be sure that your speakers or headphones are connected to your computer or device.
    • TIP: Try watching a YouTube video to make sure you can hear sound.
  2. Within the Zoom application, click the arrow beside the Audio Settings button, then toggle between the options under “Select a Speaker” until you hear sound.
  3. To test your audio levels within the Zoom application, click the arrow beside the Audio Settings button, then select “Test Speaker and Microphone”. Follow the prompts to adjust your audio settings.

Choppy audio or video?

  • You may have a weak or unstable internet connection:
    • Try getting closer to your wifi router, especially if it’s in a different room.
    • Be mindful of shared connections — other people sharing your internet may slow it down, especially if they’re streaming movies and games.
    • If possible, use an ethernet cable to connect directly from your router/modem to your computer for the most reliable connection.
  • Remote desktops aren’t suitable for video/audio streaming:
    • Don’t view the webinar through a remote desktop, like Citrix or MS Gateway.

Installing Zoom

  1. When joining the Zoom webinar, you’ll be asked to open the Zoom application.
  2. If you don’t already have Zoom installed, you’ll be prompted to “download & run Zoom” — click “Run” or “Save”.
  3. Once downloaded, complete the installation:


  1. Open your “Downloads” folder
  2. Double-click “Zoom … .exe”
  3. Follow the prompts to finish installing
  4. Click the “Join Webinar” link in your invitation


  1. Open your “Downloads” folder
  2. Double-click “Zoom … .pkg”
  3. Follow the prompts to finish installing
  4. Click the “Join Webinar” link in your invitation

Note: You can also click here to download Zoom directly.

MOBILE DEVICE (Tablet, Phone):

Visit the app store on your device to download or get “Zoom Cloud Meetings”:

Unable to download, install or run Zoom?

If your workplace doesn’t allow you to download Zoom or your computer requires permission to install the application, you have several options:


  1. Use a personal computer, iPad or phone to install Zoom and view the webinar.
  2. Contact your IT department for help with installing Zoom.
  3. Use the browser version of Zoom.
    • After clicking the “Join Webinar” link in your invitation, you’ll be prompted to download or launch Zoom.
    • Click the “join from your browser” link instead.

    • Note: The browser version of Zoom is limited in features. For example, you may not be able to participate in poll questions, but you will be able to view the webinar.

Courses on Demand

I’m having problems viewing newer modules on Courses on Demand (from September 2012 and later).

Courses on Demand modules from after September 2012 require the Adobe Flash plugin to be installed. Follow the instructions at the Adobe website to download Flash and ensure it is running properly on your browser.

If you are attempting to watch a module on Google Chrome and getting an error message, you need to manually enable Flash. To enable Flash:

  • Go to chrome://settings/content
    (To navigate manually: go to Settings, click on Show Advanced Settings at the bottom of the page, then click on Content Settings in the Privacy area)
  • Scroll to the Flash area and select “Allow sites to run Flash”

I'm using Google Chrome and I'm getting an error message.

If you are attempting to watch a newer module (September 2012 and later) on Google Chrome and getting an error message, you need to manually enable Flash. To enable Flash:

  • Go to chrome://settings/content
    (To navigate manually: go to Settings, click on Show Advanced Settings at the bottom of the page, then click on Content Settings in the Privacy area)
  • Scroll to the Flash area and select “Allow sites to run Flash”

Screenshot of Google Chrome content settings: allow sites to run Flash

If you are attempting to watch an older module (September 2012 and earlier), we recommend using Internet Explorer on a Windows computer. The Courses on Demand requires the official Windows Media Player plugin, which is only available on Windows computers using Internet Explorer. The Edge browser is not supported.

Other Technical Questions

Can I access CLEBC online courses on my mobile device?

Android, iPhone, iPad, and BlackBerry Playbook

What you can access:

  • Full-day Webinars (via the Adobe Connect app)
  • CLE-TV

What you cannot access:

  • Rebroadcasts
  • Recorded modules in Courses on Demand.

Some of our online courses are available on mobile devices. Devices that support Adobe Flash will allow you to view most online courses. To view Webinars on devices that do not support Flash, download the Adobe Connect app from your app store:

Note that not all webinar features will be available through the app.

Can I view CLEBC online courses through my remote desktop environment?

We recommend always viewing our course through a native operating system environment on a high-speed internet connection.

We do not recommend watching any of our Webinars or Courses on Demand modules through remote desktop software, such as Citrix, Windows Remote Desktop, VNC, or GoToMyPC. Often, streaming through these connections does not provide a satisfactory experience or simply does not work at all.


You can watch Rebroadcasts from anywhere — on a computer, iPad/tablet or smartphone.

Video not loading?

  1. Be sure your internet browser is updated to the most recent version. Supported internet browsers include:
    • Chrome 30+
    • Firefox 27+
    • Internet Explorer 11
    • Microsoft Edge 
    • Safari 9+ 
  2. Refresh your page.


How can I contribute to CLEBC?

Thank you for your interest in contributing to CLEBC! Please get in touch with us at 604.669.3544 or send us a message.

How do I report my CPD hours earned by contributing to CLEBC?

We have instructions for reporting CPD hours earned by contributing to courses and publications, including a key showing how many hours you can claim for each type of activity. If you contributed to a course and attended the course, don’t forget that you can also claim hours for the portion of the course that you attended.

How can I look up a history of my contributions to CLEBC?

You can look up your recent volunteer history by logging in to your CLEBC Store account. If you are a longtime contributor to CLEBC—thank you!—you can contact us at 604.669.3544 or at for more information.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Can I reuse or republish CLEBC materials?

You may read CLEBC materials online or download them for personal, non-commercial use (that is, not for republication, sale, or distribution). You may not use them in any other manner without CLEBC’s prior written consent. To request permission to reuse CLEBC materials, please contact us at or at 500 – 1155 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6E 2P4.

Special note for authors of CLEBC publications and materials: Please refer to your author package for your CLEBC contribution to see what terms of use apply to the materials you authored. Please contact us at if you require clarification.

Still have questions?

Contact CLEBC Customer Service

Tel: 604.669.3544
Toll-free: 800.663.0437 (in Canada)

For technical assistance with Webinars, Courses on Demand and Rebroadcasts, contact CLEBC Webinar Support:

Tel: 604.893.2138
Toll-free: 877.993.2138