Indigenous History Month & Indigenous Peoples Day

Practice Point

Indigenous History Month & Indigenous Peoples Day

This National Indigenous History Month and National Indigenous Peoples Day, we honour the First Nations, the Inuit and the Métis Nation; their people, cultures and perspectives, the memory of those voices lost, and the living survivors of the residential schools and their families.

It is a time to recognize, celebrate and reflect on the unique histories, contributions, and strengths of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples.

For non-Indigenous Canadians, it is an opportunity to fulfill our duty to learn, and to show recognition and respect for the role Indigenous Peoples have played and continue to play in shaping Canada. We share a collective responsibility to understand this history and play a meaningful role in Reconciliation.

We encourage everyone to keep the learning and the conversations going all year long.

Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day CBC:

Indigenous Tourism BC events:

Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival: (click on “EVENTS” for specific dates) (article describing:

Monique Gray Smith, Cree children’s author, “Talking to kids about Residential Schools