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CLEBC Litigation Resources | The Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia

Litigation Resources

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CLE Online

CLE Online offers you 24/7 online access to CLEBC’s online resources so you can learn and work from anywhere at anytime.

Available via CLE Online:

Want to become a great litigator? Give yourself a competitive edge over opposing counsel with CLEBC’s litigation resources. Refine your written and oral advocacy skills with instruction from seasoned litigators at our hands-on courses or learn proper procedure and practical tips from our litigation publications.

For lawyers of all levels with limited recent court experience, be sure to look at our award-winning Advocacy Toolkit for online, on-demand video demonstrations of effective (and ineffective) oral advocacy for all stages of a case, from case theory to closing statement.

Litigation Publications

Choose the books you need from CLEBC’s litigation library. Arm yourself with strategies for a specific stage of litigation, receive guidance for practice before a particular forum, or explore litigation issues in your practice area.

We’ve designed our print and online publications often used during court to be compact and portable to ensure that you have the quickest, handiest access to your essential resources.

Click on the titles below to learn more:

BC Builders Liens Practice Manual
Providing solutions to your Builders Lien Act problems and questions, this practice manual will help you quickly determine the procedures and time limits for filing, enforcing, or discharging your client’s lien.

BC Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Practice Manual
The go-to resource for researching the extensive range of legal and practice issues that arise in motor vehicle accident claims, this manual discusses key issues, forms, and cases related to any motor vehicle accident question.

Civil Trial Handbook
Full of legal principles you need to know and time-tested techniques you will want to consider to support your case, this is your handy resource for preparing for and conducting trials in BC Supreme Court.

Civil Appeal Handbook
The classic guide to appellate court practice in BC, this definitive text is your companion for civil appellate law, practice, and procedure on everything from jurisdiction through to post-hearing issues.

Civil Jury Instructions
The only full set of civil jury instructions in Canada, this compilation of approximately 100 standard, plain language jury instructions will save you huge amounts of research, writing, and updating time when preparing charges.

Discovery Practice in British Columbia
Featuring scripts used by seasoned litigators, this manual is your mentor for mastering all aspects of discovery and your key to reaching settlement or gaining an edge at trial.

Expert Evidence in BC Civil Proceedings
Practical and portable, this guidebook offers analysis of case law and advice on tactics and tools so you can effectively select, brief, lead, and attack expert evidence.

Introducing Evidence at Trial
Improve your ability to introduce and control evidence at trial with this portable resource containing detailed discussion, pointers, checklists, and model scripts for each type of evidence in civil or criminal trials.

Plus TC & D: The Assessment of Costs and Disbursements in Motor Vehicle Injury Litigation
Save time drafting Appendix B bills of costs with this resource tabulating the number of units to claim under the tariff ranges and explaining which disbursements will be allowed by an assessor.

Provincial Court Small Claims Handbook
Provide economical, high-quality small claims services to your clients with this meticulous review of all the unique steps in a small claims action. Now includes a chapter on the new Civil Resolution Tribunal.

Practice Before the Registrar
Know what to expect and what’s expected at your registrar’s hearing. This is the only text in BC that documents the many previously unwritten rules of registrar’s practice so you can prepare for a smooth hearing.

Public Guardian & Trustee Handbook
This handbook covers the responsibilities, processes, and fees of the Public Guardian and Trustee in three important areas: services to adults, services to children and youth, and estate and personal trust services.

Small Claims Act & Rules: Annotated
Intended as a handy reference at interlocutory appearances, settlement conferences, and trials, this handbook sets out the complete text of the Small Claims Act and Small Claims Rules annotated with case law.

Supreme Court Chambers Orders – Annotated
This collection of over 80 sample chambers orders features explanations of when each order should be used and the evidence that must be presented so you can draft your orders correctly the first time around.

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