Residential Real Estate Conference 2014

Product Type: Course

This course has no current sessions.

DescriptionMore DetailAgenda

Presented by CLEBC in collaboration with CBABC

"Jump Start on CPD 2015": Wednesday, March 25, 2015; Time: 9:00 am — 4:00 pm
"Jump Start on CPD 2015": Wednesday, April 1, 2015; Time: 9:00 am — 4:00 pm

(Original course: Thursday, December 4, 2014)

Who should attend: All lawyers with a practice in real estate; the course may also be of interest to notaries public.

Learning level: All levels

Mark your calendar for your yearly update!
CLEBC is pleased to bring you our seventh annual Residential Real Estate Conference. Every year lawyers practicing in this area meet to discuss the latest cases, trends, and challenges faced by residential real estate practitioners today. Come along for your annual update. Province-wide online participation is welcomed via live webinar.

Take this course and you will...

  • get up to date on current case law, particularly in the area of foreclosures
  • learn about the recent changes to the Strata Property Act
  • understand why mortgagees ought to be concerned about CRA deemed trust claims
  • find out the top tax concerns for sellers of real estate, and the top mistakes not to make

Past attendees said it best...

"Lots of great and diverse topics canvassed; good speakers, well organized."

"This is one of my favourite CLEBC courses; I practice a lot of real estate and it is apropos."

"Relevant topics for the ordinary conveyancing practice."

"I enjoy this conference every year; good topics and often quite relevant and timely."

"It was useful to be reminded of important areas and updated on recent developments in the real estate area."

CLEBC and CBABC would like to thank Do Process, econveyance, Stewart Title Guaranty Company, and LawyerDoneDeal for their generous support in sponsoring this event.


CBABC members receive an additional 10% off course registration fees. Call Customer Service to register and remember to have your CBABC membership number ready.

Law Society of BC CPD Hours: 6.25 hours (a minimum of 1 hour will involve aspects of professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, and/or practice management)

Course Chairs
Paulina Kam — Lando & Company LLP, Vancouver
Timothy J. Lack — Lunny Atmore LLP, Vancouver

Featured Luncheon Speaker
Don Cayo — Journalist, Vancouver Sun, Vancouver 

"Jump Start on CPD 2015"
EARLY BIRD (Register by the dates listed below and SAVE)
For the course on March 25, register by February 25, 2015
For the course on April 1, register by March 4, 2015

Regular $450; After the "register by" dates $405

Unable to attend without financial support? To learn more about CLEBC's Bursary Program click here and for our Easy Pay Plan click here.

Registration includes an electronic version of the course materials and lunch.

CBABC GROUP LIVE WEBINARS: Special rates will apply for CBABC members who participate in a group Live Webinar with five or more individuals at the same site. Call Customer Service for details.

Webinar Archive: This course will be added to the Webinar Archive. Contact Customer Service to subscribe.

Can't make the live course/live webinar?

1. Order the online course materials, an archive of all CLEBC papers published since 2001. ... OR
2. Subscribe to the Webinar Archive, a repository of recordings of most CLEBC past courses.

Annual subscription rates for both options are based on firm size.

CLEBC Program Lawyer
Teresa M. Sheward