BC Real Estate Development Practice Manual

Product Type: Publications - Print + Online
ISBN: 0-86504-744-8
Pages: 1178
Price: $375.00

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The first comprehensive practice manual on real estate development in BC

This publication is essential for: every lawyer acting for or against a developer or municipality.

Current to: March 1, 2013  

To service your developer and municipal clients, you need a strong command of the legal principles and an understanding of the real estate development process. Learn about land acquisition, the structure of the developer and joint ventures, conducting appropriate searches and investigations, how land use is regulated and development rights obtained, controls on site development, charges for offsite development costs, and subdivision regulation. One entire chapter is devoted to the unique planning and regulatory environment in the City of Vancouver. Also included are chapters on construction contracts, obtaining development finance from institutional lenders, and requirements for marketing of subdivided land.

Subscriptions include online access with search capability and links to the full text of case law and legislation, forms and precedents on CD-ROM, and regular updates.

NEW! ONLINE ONLY annual subscriptions are now available. Click here to subscribe.

Highlights of the 2013 update

  • Real Estate Council’s new Designated Agency model for brokerages
  • new discussion of First Nation land and title regimes and advising developers who are considering opportunities on First Nation lands
  • availability of temporary use permits for all uses
  • new Building Code integrating new standards for considerations of seismic stability
  • grandparenting protection under Local Government Act from new development cost charge rates for building permit applications
  • discussion of covenants on land in the Agricultural Land Reserve
  • e-filing requirement for subdivision plans
  • City of Vancouver’s Transportation 2040 Plan and Mayor’s Task Force on Housing Affordability
  • Vancouver heritage density transfers
  • implications of tougher financing conditions involving deposit amounts in commitment letters
  • Superintendent of Real Estate’s administrative penalties for REDMA offences

CLEBC Legal Editor
L. Joy Tataryn